- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Publication Ethics
- Article Template
Focus and Scope
Journal of Ageing And Family (JOAF) delves into the complex and dynamic relationship between Ageing and Health related to family issues. Present views and perspectives from a wide variety of disciplines, including
1)Allied Health,
5)Public Health,
7)Health Services
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
The review process (double blind peer review) is expected to take two (2) to three (3) months but it may take longer depending on the number of papers currently being reviewed. The following are the four main steps of the review process.
- The completed manuscript uploaded by the author(s) to the Journal of Ageing And Family (JOAF) website is then assigned by the Section Editor to see the editorial process.
- The editor will invite reviewers to give proper assessment and judgement of the submitted manuscript.
- The result of the review will be communicated to the editor for onward transmission to the author(s).
- If required, the author(s) will revise the manuscript in light of the reviewers’ comments and suggestions and resubmit the manuscript within two to six weeks. When the manuscript is finally accepted for publication, the editor will schedule the publication and inform the author(s) of the particular number and volume of the journal in which the article will be published.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics
Journal of Ageing And Family is a reviewed journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Respati Indonesia. This statement explains the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the process of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, chief editor, Editorial Board, reviewer and publisher.
Ethics Guidelines for Journal Publication
The publication of an article in the Journal of Ageing And Family reviewed is an important building in the development of a coherent and recognized network of knowledge. This is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and institutions that support them. The reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. Therefore, it is important to agree on ethical standards that are expected for all parties involved in the act of publishing: writers, journal editors, best partners, publishers and the public.
The Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Respati Indonesia as the publisher of the Journal of Ageing And Family took on the task of maintaining all stages of publishing very seriously and we were aware of our ethics and other responsibilities. We are committed to ensuring that advertising, reprints or other commercial revenues do not affect or influence editorial decisions. In addition, the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Respati Indonesia and the Editorial Board will assist in communication with other journals and / or publishers if needed.
Publication Decision
The Journal of Ageing And Family editor is responsible for deciding which articles to publish. Validation of the work and its importance for researchers and readers must always encourage that decision. Editors can be guided by policies from the journal editorial board and are limited by applicable legal provisions, such as defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Editors can negotiate with other editors or best partners in making this decision.
Justice aspect
The editor evaluates the manuscript at any time to the intellectual content of the author regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political views of the authors.
The editor and every editorial staff must not disclose any information about the manuscript sent to anyone other than the author, reviewer, prospective reviewer, other appropriate editorial board, and publisher, as appropriate.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Materials that are not published in a submitted text may not be used in the editor's own research without the written consent of the author.
Task of Reviewer
Contributions to Editorial Decisions
Reviewers help editors in making editorial decisions and can help writers improve the quality of the manuscript through the editor.
Each selected reviewer who feels he does not meet the requirements / interests to review the manuscript or does not have enough time to study must immediately notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.
Each manuscript received for review must be treated as a confidential document. Manuscripts must not be disseminated or discussed with others unless permitted by the editor.
Standard of Objectivity
Review must be done objectively. Personal criticism from the author is not appropriate to convey. Reviewers must express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
Source Recognition
Reviewers must identify relevant published works that have not been quoted by the author. The statement that observations, derivations, or previously reported arguments must be accompanied by relevant citations. Reviewers must also state to the editor if there are substantial similarities or overlaps between the manuscripts considered and any other articles published.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Information or ideas obtained in the review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers must reject texts where they have a conflict of interest due to competition, collaboration, or other relationships and connections with one of the authors, companies or institutions related to the manuscript.
Fundamental Errors in Works Published
When the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the work published, it is the duty of the author to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and work with the editor to retract or refine the manuscript.
Editorial Board of the Health Sciences Journal, University of Respati Indonesia (URINDO)
Jl. Bambu Apus I No. 3 Cipayung, East Jakarta.
Email: joaf@urindo.ac.id; lppm@urindo.ac.i
Article Template
Journal Of Ageing And Family Journal of Ageing And Family receives original scientific papers (articles, reviews, case study reports, book reviews, or matters related to health science groups. The article has not been published or in the process of being submitted to be published in another journal or magazine.
Articles that have been sent to the journal will be reviewed related to technical writing and substance of the article by at least 2 (two) reviewers.
The author of the article should ensure that the submitted manuscript is his own work and plagiarism-free. All manuscripts to be published will be checked for similarity using antiplagiarism software.
- Systematic Writing a. The initial part: title (maximum 20 words; 14 pt), author's name (without title), origin of institution, email, abstract (written in Indonesian and/or English. Abstracts are arranged with the number of words not exceeding 250 words using calibri typeface size 11 pt single space. On the abstract page are listed keywords (keywords) at least 3 words and a maximum of 9 words. b. Main part: contains introductions, literature studies and hypothesis development (if any), ways / methods of research, research results and discussions, and conclusions and suggestions. c. The end: thank you, symbol description (if any), and bibliography
- Layout The manuscript is written on A4 paper in the following margin format: a. Upper margin 2.5 cm b. Lower margin of 2.0 cm c. Left Margin 2.5 cm d. Right Margin 2.0 cm Each manuscript is a maximum of 10 pages (including tables, figures, and reference lists) with a single spaced distance, Calibri type, size 11 pt.
b. Languages, Units, and Emblems The manuscript is written in raw, straightforward and clear Indonesian. The use of units and emblems refers to the rules of national standards and international units (SI). Equation Writing Equations or formulas are written using e-question software and numbered, for example:
Ω = 2 πr ……………………………. (1)
The writing of equations in the text is expressed by Equation (1). Pictures and Tables Images and Tables are printed in black-and-white. Write pictures and tables like the example below. Figure 1. Image caption (bottom middle) and Table 1. Table description (in the top center). In the text written Picture. 1. And Table 1. 1. Reference List The reference list is written in the order of appointment on the manuscript using the Vancouver System (numbers in square brackets). References contain the initials and name of the author (anonym), journal name or book name, volume, editor, publisher, city, year, and page. Examples of Reference Lists:
Paper in journal
[1] E. Yusron. Jurnala Makara Sains 10, (2006) 41.
[2] G. Smith. Thin Solid Films (to be published).
Electronic Publication
[3] S. Auzary, K.F. Badawi, L. Bimbault. Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (2008) 2912. Hep-th/9112009.
[4] L. Weiss. Instruction to Authors, Elsevier Publishing, http:/www.elsevier.com/authors.html 1999.
Proceeding Publication
[5] C.H. Perry, F. Lu, F. Namavar, N.M. Kalkhoran. Material Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 256 (2005) 132.
[6] J.J. Favier, D. Camel. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Crystal Growth, York, U.K., 2006, p.58.
Monograph, Book
[7] D. Falix [Ed.]. Handbook of Optical Constants of Solid II,3rd Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1991, p.253.
[8] S.M. Sze. The Physics of Semiconductor Device, Wiley, New York, 1981, p. 345.
Thesis And Publication
[9] R. Ramos. Ph.D. Thesis, College van Dekanen, University of Twente, Netherland, 1991.
[10] S. Badu. Skripsi Sarjana, Jurusan Kimia FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, 2008.
H. Yamagushi, A. Hiroe, H. Nishio. Japan Patent No. 5264701, 23 Nov.1993.
Industrial Report Paper
[11] R.D. Nicholson. International Structures in Nickel-based Transitions Joints After Long Term Service, Report RD/M/N1131, Central Electricity Generating Board, Marckwood, 2005.
[12] J. Cleveland. Spring Constant Update, Digital Instrument, Santa Barbara, 1987. [Jika ada alamat Website dapat ditambahkan dengan huruf Italic]
Apecific Data (If Author was in committee or same name]
[13] Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards, Powder Diffraction File, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1967, Card 4301027.
[14] Anonim. 19th Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 17, ASTM Philadelphia, 1969, p. 457.
Non Publicized Paper
[15] D.H. Smith. Physics Departement, Chicago University, Chicago, U.S.A., Private Commun, 1966.
[16] R. Stumpf, X. Gonze. Fritz-Haber Institute Research Report, 2006, Unpublished.
- 1. How to Send Manuscripts
Manuscripts are sent to the address: Editorial Board of Journal of Ageing And Family University Respati Indonesia (URINDO)
Jl. Bambu Apus I No. 3 Cipayung, Jakarta Timur.
Email:joaf@urindo.ac.id; lppm.publikasi@urindo.ac.id
Registration and Submission online: http://ejournal.urindo.ac.id/index.php/JournalOfAgeingAndFamily
C.p: 085921689699
The author will receive a notification if the manuscript is received and will be contained in the journal in the form of a manuscript receipt certificate (acceptance letter). After obtaining the certificate, the author must make a payment of Rp 300,000.00 (internal Urindo) Rp 500,000,- (Outside Urindo) through BNI account: No. 1020519402.
Journal of Ageing And Elderly
Published 2 (two) times each year (April and October)
ARTICLE TITLE (no more than 20 words, using the letters Capital Each Word, 14 pt, bold, center), written in Indonesian Lead Author1, Co-Author 1, and Companion Writer 2(11pt) 1 position of the author at the first supporting institution (11pt) 2 positions of authors in the second supporting institution, if any (11pt) primary author email address (11pt)
Keywords : 3-9 keywords in English (11 pt, italics)
BackGround (11 pt, bold)
The paper is written with Calibri, size 11 and in document format sized A4 (210mm x 297mm) with a top margin of 2.5 cm, bottom: 2cm, left 2.5 cm and right:2 cm, flat right - left. The contents of the document, including tables, graphs, images should not be more than 10 pages. The title should be short, informative and no more than 20 words. The article is made into two columns. This segment contains background on why the research was conducted, the formulation of problems, literature reviews and information related to writing. The part of the introduction is the background, problem formulation, research objectives and research benefits.
Contains research design, description of ways of conducting research covering population and sample, Instruments and ways of data collection, data analysis techniques. The results present the characteristics of the data and the findings of the study.
The results of the study contain a brief statement about the results of the study. While the discussion contains discussions that link and compare the results of research with theories and results of previous research.
QUOTE: Writing a quote by mentioning the source is by writing the author's final name accompanied by the year of publication of the book. Quotes can be done in a direct way, summarizing.
TABLE: Table title is written in size 11, bold. Like the example below. Numbering table names using Arabic numbers. Between the table title and the table is not spaced. The contents of the table are written in Calibri size 11, and with a format of 1 space. While the Title of The Image is placed under the image with a format such as the title of the table.
Tablel 2. Respondent Characteristic Analysis
RT | Healthy And Clean Behaviour | |
PHBS | Non PHBS | |
1 | 45 | 76 |
2 | 17 | 23 |
3 | 12 | 23 |
4 | 47 | 30 |
5 | 24 | 16 |
6 | 12 | 18 |
Total | 157 | 186 |
Source : Health Center Profile, Pasar Rebo District
Picture 1. ODHA Survival Curve with Treatment Adherence.
Closing Segment included Conclusion for this research
Contains recognition or gratitude to those who play and are involved in the implementation of research / writing articles (donors / sponsors), both materials and other facilities
REFERENCE (11 pt, bold)
All referenced articles are written in the Bibliography with the following provisions (Vancouver System): The distance of the space used is 1 space, the second row of each article begins jutting in with 6 taps. The distance between articles is 1 space. Order of Article Writing by number. The author's name is written without a title, starting from the last name (family name) written in full followed by the first name written the abbreviation and does not need to be sorted by Alphabetical. No need to sort the year of publication of the writing.
Use of the last 10 years of bibliography for references derived from books and last 5 years for journals. (written only in accordance with the citations listed in the publication manuscript only) Recommended using The Reference Management Tool such as Mendeley and others.