Ramadhani Ulansari




Sistem antrean sangat banyak ditemui dalam dunia nyata, salah satu yang sering kita temui adalah sistem antrian pengiriman paket data pada  jaringan berkabel. Antrean itu sendiri adalah suatu kejadian pada suatu garis tunggu yang memerlukan layanan dari suatu fasilitas layanan. Pada umumnya, sistem antrean dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi sistem yang berbeda-beda seperti FIFO (First In First Out), RED (Random Early Detection) dll, namun bagaimanakah cara kerja sistem antrean FIFO dan RED. Antrean manakah yang lebih bagus dalam pengiriman paket data sebuah jaringan kabel, Hal ini dapat kita analisis melalui simulasi yang membandingkan kedua antrian tersebut. Tujuan penelitian inii menganalisis perbandingan antrean FIFO dan RED menggunakan networks simulator 2 (NS2) sehingga dapat memperoleh data seperti delay, packet loss, throughput, dan total data yang diterima pada suatu topologi jaringan kabel. Metode software,hardware,perancangan topologi. Hasil simulasi diketahui antrean RED terlihat lebih mampu menangani antrean ketika sedang padat. Sedangkan antrean FIFO lebih unggul ketika menangani antrean berasal dari agent UDP ketika antrean tidak terlalu padat.




Kata kunci: Network Simulator, Antrean FIFO, Antrean RED, Throughput, Delay, Jitter.





Queue system was very much encountered in the real world, one of which we often encounter was the queue system delivery of data packets on wired networks. The queue it self was an event on a waiting line that requires the services of a service facility. Generally, queuing systems can be classified into different systems such as FIFO (First In First Out), RED (Random Early Detection) etc., but how the FIFO and RED queuing systems work. Which queue was better in sending data packets of a wired network, This we can analyze through a simulation that compares the two queues. The purpose of this study was to analyze the comparison of FIFO and RED queues using network simulator 2 (NS2) so as to obtain data such as delay, packet loss, throughput, and total data received on a cable network topology. Software method, hardware, topology design. Simulation results were known to queue RED looks more able to handle the queue while it was solid. While the FIFO queue was superior when handling the queue comes from the UDP agent when the queue was not too dense.


Keywords: Network Simulator, FIFO Queue, RED Queue, Throughput, Delay, Jitter.

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