Voting telah menjadi salah satu metode untuk mengambil keputusan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Penggunaan teknologi komputer pada pelaksanaan voting ini dikenal dengan istilah electronic voting atau lazim disebut e-Voting. Proses pergantian Presiden BEM Universitas dan BEM Fakultas dilakukan dengan cara Pemilu Raya yaitu pemilihan langsung yang diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa aktif UMK untuk BEM Universitas sedangkan pemilihan Presiden BEM Fakultas diikuti oleh mahasiswa aktif difakultas masing-masing. Kegiatan pemilihan Presiden BEM Universitas dan Fakultas pelaksanaannya tidak dilakukan secara bersamaan hal ini dapat menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan diantaranya adalah pembengkaan biaya, lamanya waktu pemilihan, lamanya proses perhitungan, terjadinya kecurangan serta penggalangan masa. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut akan menimbulkan hubungan yang tidak harmonis antar mahasiswa serta memungkinkan untuk terjadinya pertengkaran yang menyebabkan kerusuhan didalam maupun diluar kampus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan penggunaan teknologi e-voting dalam rangka mengakomodasi kebutuhan institusi khususnya bidang kemahasiswaan dalam mewujudkan e-voting agar permasalahan yang selama ini terjadi akan terselesaikan.Metode menggunakan teknologi e-voting system. Hasil penggunaan aplikasi e-voting pihak-pihak terkait dapat merasakan hasil dari pelaksanaan pemilihan presiden BEM di UMK dapat dilaksanakan secara bersamaan,masalah pembengkaan biaya karena prosesnya tidak bersamaan, lamanya waktu pemilihan, lamanya proses perhitungan, terjadinya kecurangan serta penggalangan masa, terjadinya pertengkaran yang menyebabkan kerusuhan didalam maupun diluar kampus dapat terselesaikan dengan penggunaan sistem ini.
Kata Kunci : Pemira, E-Voting, Pemilihan Bem, Universitas Muria Kudus
Voting has become one of the methods to make important decisions in life. The use of computer technology in the implementation of voting is known as electronic voting or commonly called e-Voting. President BEM University and BEM Faculty of the changeover process conducted by the Election Kingdom that direct elections, followed by all UMK students actively. BEM Faculty while the Presidential election was followed by an active student in Faculty respectively. Presidential election activities BEM University and faculty are not implemented simultaneously it can cause several problems including the swelling costs, the length of time the election, the length of the calculation process, fraud and fundraising period. These problems will lead to an antagonistic relationship between the student and allows for an argument that led to unrest inside or outside the campus. Student Affairs has decided to electoral processes Kingdom university level and faculty will be carried out simultaneously and using e-voting technology. To carry out this process we need a system that can be used for the election of the President of the University and Faculty BEM simultaneously by using e-voting technology. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the use of e-voting technology in order to accommodate the particular needs of the institution of student affairs in realizing e-voting so that the problems that had occurred would be resolved. The result was used the e-voting application of related parties can feel the result of the BEM presidential election in UMK can be implemented simultaneously, the problem of cost swelling because the process was not simultaneous, the length of election time, the length of the calculation process, the occurrence of cheating and raising the period, the occurrence of contention Causing unrest within and outside the campus to be solved by the use of this system.
Keywords : Pemira , E - Voting , Election Bem , Muria Kudus University
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